The Grimm Reader Read online

Page 18

  No sooner had the prince touched Briar Rose’s lips than she woke up, opened her eyes, and smiled sweetly at him. They went down the stairs together. The king, the queen, and the entire court had awoken, and they were all staring at each other in amazement. The horses in the courtyard stood up and shook themselves. The hounds jumped to their feet and wagged their tails. The doves pulled their heads out from under their wings, looked around, and flew off into the fields. The flies began crawling on the walls. The fire in the kitchen flickered, flared up, and began cooking the food again. The roast started to sizzle. The cook slapped the boy so hard that he let out a screech. The maid finished plucking the hen.

  The wedding of Briar Rose and the prince was celebrated in great splendor, and the two lived out their days in happiness.


  nce upon a time in the middle of winter, when snowflakes the size of feathers were falling from the sky, a queen was sitting and sewing by a window with an ebony frame. While she was sewing, she looked out at the snow and pricked her finger with a needle. Three drops of blood fell onto the snow. The red looked so beautiful against the white snow that she thought: “If only I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood of the window frame.” Not long after that, she gave birth to a little girl who was white as snow, red as blood, and black as ebony, and she was called Snow White. The queen died shortly after the child was born.

  A year later, her husband, the king, married another woman. She was a beautiful lady, but proud and domineering, and she could not bear the thought that anyone might be more beautiful than she was. She owned a magic mirror, and whenever she stood in front of it to look at herself, she would say:

  “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

  Who’s the fairest one of all?”

  The mirror would always answer:

  “You, O Queen, are the fairest of all.”

  Then she was happy, for she knew that the mirror always spoke the truth.

  Snow White was growing up, and with each passing day she became more beautiful. When she reached the age of seven, she had become as beautiful as the bright day and more beautiful than the queen herself. One day the queen asked the mirror:

  “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

  Who’s the fairest one of all?”

  The mirror replied:

  “My queen, you may be the fairest here,

  But Snow White is a thousand times more fair.”

  When the queen heard these words, she began to tremble, and her face turned green with envy. From that moment on, she hated Snow White, and whenever she set eyes on her, her heart turned cold like a stone. Envy and pride grew as fast as weeds in her heart. By day or by night, she never had a moment’s peace.

  One day she summoned a huntsman and said: “Take the child out into the forest. I don’t want to set eyes on her ever again. Bring me her lungs and her liver as proof that you have killed her.”

  The huntsman obeyed and took the girl out into the woods, but just as he was taking out his hunting knife and about to take aim at her innocent heart, she began weeping, and she pleaded with him for her life. “Alas, dear huntsman, have mercy. I promise to run into the woods, and I’ll never come back again.”

  Snow White was so beautiful that the huntsman took pity on her and said: “Just run off, you poor child.”

  “The wild animals will devour you before long,” he thought. He felt as if a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, for at least he would not have to kill the girl. Just then, a young boar ran by him, and the huntsman stabbed it to death. He removed the lungs and liver and brought them to the queen as proof that he had murdered the child. The cook was told to boil them in brine, and the wicked woman ate them up, thinking that she had consumed Snow White’s lungs and liver.

  The poor child was now all alone in the vast forest. She was so frightened that she just stared at all the leaves on the trees and had no idea where to turn. She started running and raced over sharp stones and through thorn bushes. Wild beasts hovered around her at times, but they did her no harm. She ran as far as her legs would carry her. When night fell, she discovered a little cottage and went inside to rest. Everything in the house was tiny and indescribably dainty and spotless. There was a little table, with seven little plates on a white cloth, each with its own little spoon. And then there were seven little knives and forks, and seven cups. Against the wall were seven little beds in a row, each made up with sheets as white as snow. Snow White was so hungry and so thirsty that she ate a few vegetables and some bread from each little plate and drank a drop of wine from each little cup. She didn’t want to take everything away from one of the places. Later, she was so tired that she tried out the beds, but they did not seem to be the right size. The first one was too long, the second too short, but the seventh one was just right, and she stayed in it. Then she said her prayers and fell fast asleep.

  It was completely dark outside when the owners of the cottage returned. They were seven dwarfs who spent their days in the mountains, mining ore and digging for minerals. They lit their seven little lanterns, and when the cottage was no longer dark, they saw that someone had been there, for not everything was as they had left it.

  The first dwarf asked: “Who’s been sitting in my little chair?”

  The second one asked: “Who’s been eating from my little plate?”

  The third asked: “Who’s been eating my little loaf of bread?”

  The fourth asked: “Who’s been eating from my little plate of


  The fifth asked: “Who’s been using my little fork?”

  The sixth asked: “Who’s been using my little knife to cut things up?”

  The seventh asked: “Who’s been drinking from my little cup?”

  The first dwarf turned around and saw that his sheets were all wrinkled and said: “Who has been sleeping in my little bed?”

  The others came running, and each shouted: “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed too.”

  When the seventh dwarf looked in his bed, he saw Snow White lying there, fast asleep. He shouted to the others who came running and who were stunned when they raised their seven little lanterns to let light shine on Snow White.

  “My goodness, my goodness!” they all exclaimed. “What a beautiful child!”

  The dwarfs were so delighted to see her that they decided not to wake her up, and they let her keep sleeping in the little bed. The seventh dwarf slept for one hour with each of his companions until the night was over.

  In the morning, Snow White woke up. When she saw the dwarfs, she was frightened, but they were friendly and asked: “What’s your name?”

  “My name is Snow White,” she replied.

  “How did you get to our house?” asked the dwarfs.

  Snow White told them how her stepmother had tried to kill her and how the huntsman had spared her life. She had run all day long until she had arrived at their cottage.

  The dwarfs told her: “If you will keep house for us, cook, make the beds, wash, sew, knit, and keep everything neat and tidy, then you can stay with us, and we’ll give you everything you need.”

  “Yes, with pleasure,” Snow White replied, and she stayed with them.

  Snow White kept house for the dwarfs. In the morning, they would go up to the mountains in search of minerals and gold. In the evening, they would return, and dinner had to be ready for them. Since the girl was by herself during the day, the good dwarfs gave her a stern warning: “Beware of your stepmother. She’ll know soon enough that you’re here. Don’t let anyone in the house.”

  After the queen had finished eating what she believed were Snow White’s lungs and liver, she was sure that she was once again the fairest of all in the land. She went up to the mirror and asked:

  “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
br />   Who’s the fairest of them all?”

  The mirror replied:

  “You’re the fairest here, dear Queen,

  But Little Snow White, though far away

  With the seven dwarfs in her hideaway

  Is now the fairest ever seen.”

  When the queen heard these words she was horrified, for she knew that the mirror never lied. She realized that the huntsman must have deceived her and that Snow White was still alive. She thought long and hard about how she could get rid of Snow White. Unless she herself was the fairest in the land, she would never be able to feel anything but envy. Finally, she came up with a plan. By staining her face and dressing up as an old peddler woman, she made herself completely unrecognizable. In that disguise, she traveled beyond the seven hills to the home of the seven dwarfs. Then she knocked on the door and called out: “Pretty wares for a good price.”

  Snow White peeked out the window and said: “Good day, old woman. What do you have for sale?”

  “Nice things, pretty things,” she replied. “Staylaces in all kinds of colors,” and she took out a silk lace woven of many colors.

  “I can let this good woman in,” Snow White thought, and she unbolted the door and bought the pretty lace.

  “Oh, my child, what a sight you are. Come, let me lace you up properly.”

  Snow White wasn’t the least bit suspicious. She stood in front of the old woman and let her put on the new lace. The old woman laced her up so quickly and so tightly that Snow White’s breath was cut off, and she fell down as if dead.

  “So much for being the fairest of them all,” the old woman said as she hurried away.

  Not much later, in the evening, the seven dwarfs came home. When they saw their beloved Snow White lying on the ground, they were horrified. She wasn’t moving at all, and they were sure she was dead. They lifted her up, and when they saw that she had been laced too tightly, they cut the staylace in two. Snow White began to breathe, and little by little she came back to life. When the dwarfs heard what had happened, they said: “The old peddler woman was none other than the wicked queen. Be on your guard, and don’t let anyone in unless we’re at home.”

  When the wicked woman returned home, she went to the mirror and asked:

  “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

  Who’s the fairest of them all?”

  The mirror replied as usual:

  “You’re the fairest here, dear Queen,

  But Little Snow White, though far away

  With the seven dwarfs in her hideaway

  Is now the fairest ever seen.”

  When the queen heard those words, the blood froze in her veins. She was horrified, for she knew that Snow White was still alive. “But this time,” she said, “I will dream up something that will destroy you.”

  Using all the witchcraft in her power, she made a poisoned comb. And then she changed her clothes and disguised herself once more as an old woman. She traveled beyond the seven hills to the home of the seven dwarfs, knocked on the door, and called out: “Pretty wares at a good price.”

  Snow White peeked out the window and said: “Go away, I can’t let anyone in.”

  “But you can at least take a look,” said the old woman, and she took out a poisoned comb and held it up in the air. The child liked it so much that she was completely fooled and opened the door. When they had agreed on a price, the old woman said: “Now I’ll give your hair a good combing.”

  Poor Snow White suspected nothing and let the woman go ahead, but no sooner had the comb touched her hair than the poison took effect, and the girl fell senseless to the ground.

  “There, my beauty,” said the wicked woman, “now you’re finished.” And she rushed away.

  Fortunately, the dwarfs were on their way home, for it was almost nighttime. When they saw Snow White lying on the ground as if dead, they suspected the stepmother right away. They examined her and discovered the poisoned comb. As soon as they pulled it out, Snow White came back to life and told them what had happened. Again they warned her to be on her guard and not to open the door to anyone.

  At home, the queen stood in front of the mirror and said:

  “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

  Who’s the fairest of them all?”

  The mirror answered as before:

  “You’re the fairest here, dear Queen,

  But Little Snow White, though far away

  With the seven dwarfs in her hideaway

  Is now the fairest ever seen.”

  When the queen heard the words spoken by the mirror, she began trembling with rage. “Snow White must die!” she cried out. “Even if it costs me my life.”

  The queen went into a remote, hidden chamber in which no one ever set foot and made an apple full of poison. On the outside it looked beautiful—white with red cheeks—and if you saw it, you craved it. But if you took the tiniest bite, you would die. When the apple was finished, the queen stained her face again, dressed up as a peasant woman, and traveled beyond the seven hills to the home of the seven dwarfs.

  The old woman knocked at the door, and Snow White stuck her head out the window to say: “I can’t let anyone in. The seven dwarfs won’t allow it.”

  “That’s all right,” the peasant woman replied. “I’ll get rid of my apples soon enough. Here, I’ll give you one.”

  “No,” said Snow White. “I’m not supposed to take anything.”

  “Are you afraid that it’s poisoned?” asked the old woman. “Here, I’ll cut the apple in two. You eat the red part, I’ll eat the white.”

  The apple had been made so craftily that only the red part of it had poison. Snow White felt a craving for the beautiful apple, and when she saw that the peasant woman was taking a bite, she could no longer resist. She put her hand out the window and took the poisoned half. But no sooner had she taken a bite than she fell to the ground dead. The queen stared at her with savage eyes and burst out laughing: “White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony! This time the dwarfs won’t be able to bring you back to life!”

  At home, she asked the mirror:

  “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

  Who’s the fairest of them all?”

  And finally it replied:

  “O Queen, you are the fairest in the land.”

  The queen’s envious heart was finally at peace, as much as an envious heart can be.

  When the dwarfs returned home in the evening, they found Snow White lying on the ground. Not a breath of air was coming from her lips. She was dead. They lifted her up and looked around for something that might be poisonous. They unlaced her, combed her hair, washed her with water and wine, but it was all in vain. The dear child was gone, and nothing could bring her back. After placing her on a bier, all seven of them sat down around it and mourned Snow White. They wept for three days. They were about to bury her, but she still looked like a living person with beautiful red cheeks.

  The dwarfs said: “We can’t possibly put her into the cold ground.” And so they had a transparent glass coffin made that allowed Snow White to be seen from all sides. They put her in it, wrote her name on it in golden letters, and added that she was the daughter of a king. They brought the coffin up to the top of a mountain, and one of them always remained by it to keep vigil. Animals also came to mourn Snow White, first an owl, then a raven, and finally a dove.

  Snow White lay in the coffin for a long, long time. But she did not decay, and she looked just as if she were sleeping, for she was still white as snow, red as blood, and had hair as black as ebony.

  One day the son of a king was traveling through the forest and came to the cottage of the dwarfs. He was hoping to spend the night there. When he went to the top of the mountain, he saw the coffin with beautiful Snow White lying in it, and he read the words written in gold
letters. Then he said to the dwarfs: “Let me have the coffin. I will give you whatever you want for it.”

  The dwarfs replied: “We wouldn’t sell it for all the gold in the world.”

  He said: “Make me a gift of it, for I can’t live without being able to see Snow White. I will honor and cherish her as if she were my beloved.”

  The good dwarfs took pity when they heard those words, and they gave him the coffin. The prince ordered his servants to put the coffin on their shoulders and to carry it away. It happened that they stumbled over a shrub, and the jolt freed the poisonous piece of apple lodged in Snow White’s throat. She came back to life. “Good heavens, where am I?” she cried out.

  The prince was thrilled and said: “You will stay with me,” and he told her what had happened. “I love you more than anything else on earth,” he said. “Come with me to my father’s castle. You shall be my bride.” Snow White had tender feelings for him, and she departed with him. The marriage was celebrated with great splendor.

  Snow White’s wicked stepmother had also been invited to the wedding feast. She put on beautiful clothes, stepped up to the mirror, and said:

  “Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

  Who’s the fairest of them all?”

  The mirror replied:

  “My Queen, you may be the fairest here,

  But the young queen is a thousand times more fair.”

  The wicked woman let out a curse, and she was so paralyzed with fear that she didn’t know what to do. At first she didn’t want to go to the wedding feast. But she never had a moment’s peace after that and had to go see the young queen. When she entered, Snow White recognized her right away. The queen was so terrified that she just stood there and couldn’t budge an inch. Iron slippers had already been heated up for her over a fire of coals. They were brought in with tongs and set up right in front of her. She had to put on the red-hot iron shoes and dance in them until she dropped to the ground dead.